I like to keep images that I upload to blog and websites small and free of metadata (EXIF etc). PureJPEG and PngCrush are two tools that help me to reduce image file size without affecting quality.
I invoke them from Far Manager using F2 user menu:

Here’s how to configure it:
- Press F2 to open user menu.
- Press Insert key. Select ‘Insert Command’.
- Enter ‘j’ as hotkey, ‘PureJpeg’ as label and the following as command:
“C:\Small Programs\PureJpeg\purejpeg.exe” “!.!” - Press OK to save

Far Manager replaces “!.!” with selected file name in double quotes.
I keep small apps and tools in ‘Small Programs’ folder. You might have them somewhere else.
Follow the same procedure for PNG Crush. Use this command:
"C:\Small Programs\Pngcrush\pngcrush.exe" -ow "!.!"
Note the -ow switch – it tells pngcrush to overwrite the source PNG file.
Now you can compress an image file losslessly by simply selecting it in Far Manager, pressing F2 and selecting PureJpeg or PngCrush.