I have created a cut-down version of Safe Vision app for iOS. This version has these limitations:
- It works on iPhone only, not on iPad.
- Parents are unable to sign up for a new account from the app. They can sign up from website or Android app only.
- Parents are unable to purchase app subscription.
Basically it has parental controls only:
It is mostly useless but the good news is Apple has accepted it to its App Store! Here is the link: Safe Vision app on the App Store.
My plan is to gradually bring back missing features until I have fully functioning app available for iPhone and iPad. Also, Apple allows selling app subscription using their in-app purchase mechanism only. No PayPal, no credit card – they want their 30% cut of the profit!
I keep improving the app itself. I made the Home screen to look better on tablets:
Previously it was one-column list with a lot of wasted screen space.