All posts by Pavel Chuchuva

About Pavel Chuchuva

I help coaches to deliver group programs.

My Experience with the Founder Institute

I enrolled in Founder Institute in September 2016. Founder Institute is incubator/accelerator with chapters in many cities.

At that time I had an idea for a parental control app for YouTube. I had few pre-orders – 12 people paid me money upfront for free lifetime access to the service once I build it.

Founder Institute course is a 3-month program. It is very intensive. It includes program sessions every week where local entrepreneurs teach us various aspects of company building but the bulk of the learning is done through doing homework assignments. Each week we were getting about 10 assignments.

I learned a lot about company building. The main benefit for me was learning how to clearly articulate my idea by pitching it to potential investors, customers and hires.

Also I met a lot of local entrepreneurs and worked together with fellow founders in a small group.

Overall I think Founder Institute is great. It pushed me outside my comfort zone many times. I significantly upgraded my vision for my company as result of going through the program. Founder Institute helped me to move forward quickly with my idea.

Thank you Adeo Ressi for creating The Founder Institute and thank you Ian Hopkinson and James Kyd for leading Melbourne Chapter in 2016!

What is Wrong with JSON Viewer on Codeplex

JSON Viewer for Windows (hosted on Codeplex) is a great tool, I use it at least once a week. However it hasn’t been updated since 2011:

Here is the list of issues with version 1.2 of JSON Viewer.

1. When you open a large JSON file (more than 10 MB) the viewer freezes for 2-3 minutes, sometimes longer. You have to kill it with Task Manager.

2. When you edit JSON the cursor always jumps to the beginning of the file – very annoying. Making any changes to JSON is essentially impossible.

3. The URLs in JSON look like hyperlinks but clicking on them does nothing:

4. When you press Ctrl+V in the search field the text gets pasted to the JSON document instead, usually making it invalid!

Did I miss anything?

How to View Large JSON Files on Windows

Let’s say you need to view a huge (more than 1 GB) JSON file. Of course you are not going to view so much data, it’s humanly impossible. What you want to do is to get a general understanding of JSON structure.

I assume that JSON document is already properly formatted.

First of all we will copy first 10,000 lines to a new file. We will user PowerShell for that:

Get-Content large.json -TotalCount 10000 | Out-File truncated.json

Next, open truncated.json in Sublime Text Editor and scroll to the end:

The JSON is not valid right now. Let’s make it valid by closing all ‘[‘ and ‘{‘ brackets. Sublime Text has a great feature that highlights invalid JSON code:

All you need to do is to try to add brackets alternating between ‘[‘ and ‘{‘ until you reach the first column:

Now you can save the file and open it in JSON Viewer. Since the new file is small you should have no problems viewing it as tree:

By the way, I’m thinking of building a tool that would automate this process – leave a comment if you’re interested in learning more.

Viewing JSON

From time to time I need to examine data in JSON format. Now unformatted JSON is very hard to read, for example:

{"movies":[{"id":"770739679","title":"Captain America: The First Avenger","year":2011,"mpaa_rating":"PG-13","runtime":121,"critics_consensus":"With plenty of pulpy action, a pleasantly...","release_dates":{"theater":"2011-07-22"},"ratings":{"critics_rating":"Fresh","critics_score":71,"audience_score":96},"synopsis":"Captain America: The First Avenger will focus on the early days...","posters":{"thumbnail":"","profile":"","detailed":"","original":""},"abridged_cast":[{"name":"Chris Evans","characters":["Captain America/Steve Rogers","Steve Rogers / Captain America","Steve Rogers/Captain America"]},{"name":"Hayley Atwell","characters":["Peggy Carter"]},{"name":"Sebastian Stan","characters":["Bucky Barnes","James Buchanan \"Bucky\" Barnes"]},{"name":"Tommy Lee Jones","characters":["Colonel Chester Phillips"]},{"name":"Hugo Weaving","characters":["Johann Schmidt/Red Skull","Johann Schmidt/The Red Skull","Red Skull"]}],"alternate_ids":{"imdb":"0458339"}}

I usually use JSON Viewer to format JSON:

    "movies": [
            "id": "770739679",
            "title": "Captain America: The First Avenger",
            "year": 2011,
            "mpaa_rating": "PG-13",
            "runtime": 121,
            "critics_consensus": "With plenty of pulpy action...",
            "release_dates": {
                "theater": "2011-07-22"
            "ratings": {
                "critics_rating": "Fresh",
                "critics_score": 71,
                "audience_score": 96
            "synopsis": "Captain America: The First Avenger will focus...",
            "posters": {
                "thumbnail": "",
                "profile": "",
                "detailed": "",
                "original": ""
            "abridged_cast": [
                    "name": "Chris Evans",
                    "characters": [
                        "Captain America/Steve Rogers",
                        "Steve Rogers / Captain America",
                        "Steve Rogers/Captain America"
                    "name": "Hayley Atwell",
                    "characters": [
                        "Peggy Carter"
                    "name": "Sebastian Stan",
                    "characters": [
                        "Bucky Barnes",
                        "James Buchanan \"Bucky\" Barnes"
                    "name": "Tommy Lee Jones",
                    "characters": [
                        "Colonel Chester Phillips"
                    "name": "Hugo Weaving",
                    "characters": [
                        "Johann Schmidt/Red Skull",
                        "Johann Schmidt/The Red Skull",
                        "Red Skull"
            "alternate_ids": {
                "imdb": "0458339"

Much better isn't it?

JSON Viewer is great because it also shows JSON in a tree:
JSON Viewer

Now I can easily expand and collapse elements and quickly understand the structure of the data.

However there is one problem: JSON Viewer doesn't handle large files well. If I try to open 4 MB file it just freezes for few minutes and I have to kill it with Process Explorer.

Do you have the same problem too? How would you like to see the problem solved? Please answer as a comment below.

My Fiasco with Creating Software that Saves Electricity

In September 2014 I decided to stop active development of Fotrel and create a new product instead. This time I wanted to build software in environmental area. I envisioned software that would help to make the Earth cleaner somehow.

I was inspired by Peachjar company. They built a software solution that helps environment by reducing amount of paper flyers that kids bring from school.

Some ideas that I have considered:

  • Software for marine biologists
  • Software that helps solar panel installers
  • Planning software for garden designers

I decided to build software that would help people to save electricity. Most of electricity is produced by coal power plants that pollute air and increase global warming.

Power plant in Belchatow

Following Lean Startup methodology I conducted a lot of client interviews. People were generally interested in saving electricity. The problem was that I wanted to create a software solution, without any hardware component.

Finally I settled on software that would monitor electricity usage by integrating with smart meters.

Also I decided to build my audience first. I have created a registration page. On that page I offered “5 Easy Tips to Save Electricity” report. People would have to enter their email address to receive it by email. This is how I would build my subscriber list of people interested in saving electricity.

I got few subscribers that way but not many. That page didn’t rank high in Google search and I couldn’t get others to share the link to my page with their list.

In April 2015 I have read an influential book “The 7 Day Startup” by Dan Norris. The main idea of the book is to launch new product or service very quickly to learn if it’s something that people would buy.

One idea from the book struck me: if you are building your first product it’s going to be very hard to create something unique and visionary. You can’t afford to be Steve Jobs, not yet. You have to wait until you launch one or two successful products.

As the first product idea it’s much better to stick to something that people already pay money for. That’s when I realized that people don’t spend money on saving electricity. So it’s going to be tough for me as a single developer to build something revolutionary in that area, something that would change people’s habit.

In the end I decided to give up on my idea. Surprisingly I experienced enormous sense of relief. I felt much better after making that decision.

Lesson learnt: make the cycle to test my ideas much shorter by launching new products very quickly. I highly recommend reading The 7 Day Startup book – it’s very short but powerful.

How I Did Not Make Thousands of Dollars by Creating Google Chrome Extension

Not long ago a friend of mine approached me with this idea: build a software that would export LinkedIn search results to Excel. Apparently many recruiters and sales people are using LinkedIn for prospecting – finding potential buyers and candidates. They can search but there is no easy way to export results to CRM that they are using.

At first I was hesitant. I thought that this software would essentially fill a hole in LinkedIn. At any point of time, I thought, LinkedIn would implement this missing piece of functionality and we will be out of business.

However, as it turns out LinkedIn has no intention to add exporting functionality because they have products that fill this need: LinkedIn Recruiter and Sales Navigator. They are very expensive, by the way.

Also, there is a company that has exactly this and they are doing good. My friend talked to some recruiters and all of them told him that they use that product to export search result to Excel.

At about same time I’ve read ‘7 Day Startup’ book by Dan Norris. It’s a fantastic book, short and inspiring. The main idea is to create a product or service very quickly and launch it to see if people would buy it. So I got very excited about this. Competitor product was quite expensive – about $20 per month. I thought I could whip up a solution very quickly and charge less. If people start buying it we could decide how to ramp it up.

My idea was to create a Google Chrome extension that would scrape search results from LinkedIn website. Users would perform search as usual on LinkedIn, then click a small button in toolbar and get results in a text box. Then they would copy and paste results to Excel and from there they’d be able to do whatever they want with them.


What’s great is that Google has a special store for Chrome extensions. They even take care of charging money. People can buy an extension using Google Wallet.

Google also makes it easy to offer a trial experience. My idea was to let people to export just 20 results and then ask them to buy the full version if they want all results.

So feeling enthusiastic about this thing I have created my first extension in just one week. I published it on the Google Chrome Store and set the price to $19. The next step was to drive some traffic to the listing page.

I decided to make a YouTube video with the title “How to export LinkedIn search results to Excel”. People that search for that phrase would watch the video, find my extension and give it a try.

And then I remembered that I wanted to check LinkedIn user agreement to see if I can get away with scraping their website. The agreement couldn’t be more clear:

8.2. Don’ts. You agree that you will not:

Scrape or copy profiles and information of others through any means (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons, and any other technology or manual work);

Wow! I realized that by publishing this video I would essentially teach people how to do something that breaks LinkedIn user agreement. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Also, even though I wouldn’t violate the agreement myself (I just provide a tool) people would violate it by using my tool.

So I decided to back out of this project. It just didn’t feel right to me. I’m glad I didn’t spend long time working on it. Also, at least now I know how to create Google Chrome extensions.

Lesson learned: check website’s user agreement before creating a tool that scrapes it.

My First Electricity Calculator

I have built my first online electricity calculator. It’s very simple and there are lots of similar calculators out there but it’s a start.

Behold: Electricity Calculator

Here’s how it works. Let’s say you are wondering how much it would cost to run a nightlight if you leave it on all the time. This nightlight has 0.2 watt LED, so you enter 0.2 as wattage.


Next you enter 24 as the number of hours per day. Here in Australia we pay 30 cents per kilowatt-hour on average. The calculator gives you the result: the running cost would be $0.53 per year.

Electricity Calculator

Another example. We have 6 light bulbs in our kitchen. They are CFLs (of course) and 14 watt each.


So in total they use 6 * 14 = 84 watt. We have them on for about 3 hours per day. We pay 40 cents per kilowatt-hour. According to the calculator the kitchen lighting cost us $3.02 per month or $36.79 per year.


Easy Targets for Saving Electricity

When it comes to saving electricity there are steps that are very easy to achieve. They don’t require a ton of effort. And best of all, they are free.

For example consider a situation: the light is on but there is nobody in the room. The electricity is essentially being wasted. The solution is easy: turn off the light whenever you leave the room.

It pays off to find where in your home the energy is being wasted. Here are some more examples:

  • Heating or cooling empty rooms.
  • Keeping your computer on all the time. Turn it off when not using. Or, better yet, configure it go to sleep automatically.
  • Filling the kettle too full. The water that you didn’t use gets cold again. The energy used to boil it is wasted.
  • A second fridge that is almost empty.

The nice thing about these changes is they would not make any noticeable negative impact on you or others.

How to Measure Your Electrical Use with Electric Meter

The first step to saving electricity is usually to determine what devices in your home use the most energy. If you know your top 5 energy guzzlers you would know what changes will make the biggest difference.

The easiest way to do it is to use a plug-in power meter, similar to Kill-A-Watt.


Sometimes though it is not possible to use it. The device could be located in the hard to reach spot (e.g. whole house air conditioner). Or maybe you don’t have the meter handy.

What you can do in this case is to use your electricity meter, the one that counts how many kilowatt-hours you have used.

Recently I decided to measure how much electricity does our electric oven use. I suspect that it uses the most of the energy on weekends (that’s when my wife cooks).


I guess the oven is hard wired – I couldn’t find the socket for it in any case.

Here is our meter on the side of our house:


As you can see it is a smart meter. I live in Melbourne and we are lucky to get smart meters before the rest of Australia. The meter knows exactly how much energy our household is using right now but unfortunately it wouldn’t tell. All it shows is the total consumption so far and the current date and time.

However our meter has a little red blinking light. The more electricity we use, the more often it blinks. This is similar to the old meters with a spinning disk.

In fact there are two lights on our meter. According to the plate on the meter it turns the left LED lamp on or off every time 1 watt-hour is used. The right light is for var-hours.

So here is the plan:

  1. Calculate how much electricity our home is using with the oven off.
  2. Turn the oven on and calculate again.
  3. Subtract the first figure from the second figure. This will be how much electricity our oven use.

First, I counted beats with the oven off:

It was 4 beats in 38 seconds. This equals to 1 beat every 10 seconds on average. So every 10 seconds one watt-hour was used. Using this formula

watts = watt-hours / hours = watt-hours / (seconds / 3600 ) = watt-hours * 3600 / seconds

… we can calculate that this equals to 379 watts. Cool, we are using less than half kilowatt-hour per hour when the oven is off.

Next, I turned the oven on. I set the temperature to 200°C and the mode to ‘fan forced’. This time, I counted 32 beats in 20 seconds – this equals to 5,760 watts:

So based on that, our electric oven uses 5,381 watts or 5.381 kilowatt-hours per hour. At the moment we pay 40 cents per kilowatt-hour. So if we use our oven for 1 hour every day is would cost us $65 per month.

If you have an old analog electric meter you would count disc revolutions instead of blinks. Michael Bluejay has a great set of instructions and a calculator on his website that can help you.